Saturday, 19 April 2014

Return to the French Folly

Well first off a confession. Its been over 6 months since my last blog and during this time I have totally failed to keep my postings up to date. In my defence I have been working in the UK and only getting home every 2 weeks. With time spent with my family so precious, the blogging (but not all the renovation) has slipped.

We are currently working on the Salon and its starting to come together:

The ceiling is done; I hung a metal frame off the floor above and the plaster board is screwed to the rails. This gives a nice flat ceiling and allows you to adjust the height to your liking. The plaster board is them scribed around the beams. For information the beams have been cleaned up. Chipping off any worm eaten wood with a sharp axe then wire brushing to get all the loose material off prior to treating with wood preserver. This I may say is a really sh**ty job. If you ever think of doing this DONT; pay a man with a sand blaster and have done with is too short. When you suggest this course of action to your wife and she gets all stroppy about the cost then either hand her the axe and the wire brush or go ahead and call the sand blaster in anyway. For the love of God save yourself the pain and two whole days of your short ass life.

Walls are using 75mm metal stud partition. This means you can space the wall off the stone giving an air gap and allow for 75mm insulation meaning you avoid the hot cold interface with the plaster board. This will reduce the possibility of condensation and mold further down the line; its more expensive but then you save on heating and hopefully it should last a lot longer than just battens and plaster board.

Julia has been pointing, and is doing a cracking job.
Tomorrow I'm doing the pipework transition from the main flow and return upstairs down the walls to the two rads in the salon. After that I can finish the plaster board on the walls.

Now to lighten the mood a little here is a picture of my next door neighbors new cock. Nice isn't he!