I have to say the bench may be tad over engineered but one thing is for sure, its not going to fall apart in a hurry!
I've wrapped the plywood top with a strip of wood to cover the end grain. This I steamed to make pliable so I could bend it into shape enough to glue and clamp.
I love that back rail, the grain is fab!
And here it is fully loaded and ready to earn it's keep.
As the title above suggests this is the third (and I may say the best) jewellery bench I've made. The first I made when I was a technician engineer at GEC in Coventry. In those days GEC was like a small town in its own right. It had carpentry shops, electricians, tool rooms, canteens, bank, photographic studio, garage, ballroom! the lot. The carpenters cut all the wood I needed to size and loaded it all onto a trolley for me to take away, all for free. In its day it was a proper little community, but then that was in the days of cost+ contracts for British Telecom before privatisation! All (mostly) gone now of course - sad really.
P.S. The skin under the bench is to save you grubbing round on the floor when you drop something, it also catches any bits of precious metal filings so they can be re-cycled.
The bench is fab - I see it is set up in the new workshop!
ReplyDeleteWe're taking great care not to mess up your lovely, lovely gite, but if it offends we can move it! Sorry Alison should have asked if it was OK with you.