This one gives you some idea of the work involved.
When its finished this will be the children's bedroom. Although they are already enjoying climbing on the temporary floor (closely supervised).
Frankie making her quality control inspection!
As a bit of a diversion, I been making a new jewellery bench for Julia. It's not finished yet but here are the legs in the process of being morticed in for the stretchers. These were hewn out of a 250 x 250 beam I had spare with the chain saw, so a fair bit of work involved just getting 4 square ish usable bits of timber. The bench should be completed tomorrow so I'll post a proper picture then.
P.S. The marking gauge I made during my first year of woodwork (would the be 1st year or 3rd?) at Leek High with Mr Procter and Bobby Beech. It's made from beech wood with a brass face and screw all turned by hand and finished off during my lunch hour. Been one of the most useful things I ever made!
P.P.S Hi to Barbara and Owen in Bristol, hope you have a long attention span Its likely to take a little while!
Bon courage!